Pioneering Today

Discovering what your trigger foods are and how they affect your health is life changing. You might not even realize you're having a reaction to foods and think these symptoms are normal. If you have any of these signs, you may have a food sensitivity.

I share how to find which foods are bothering your system, three ways to test, what I'm eating after finding out my results, and if the Ketogenic diet is right for you.

Direct download: 28Finished2920Episode2012720Pioneering20Today.mp3
Category:Leisure -- posted at: 7:46am PDT

How I was able to heal my stomach naturally from acid reflux and ulcers and get off of prescription medications I was taking up to 6 times a day. The exact steps and process I used to bring about healing and how you can do the exact same thing. 

Direct download: Episode2012620Pioneering20Today.mp3
Category:Leisure -- posted at: 4:57pm PDT

Learn how to make your own homemade maple syrup from tapping your own trees (and when to know conditions are right for tapping), boiling the sap to make syrup, how much sap it takes to make syrup, the health benefits of maple syrup you might not have known, and our baking guide on how to alter your current recipes to use all natural maple syrup as the sweetener.


Direct download: 28FINISHED2920Episode2012520Pioneering20Today.mp3
Category:Leisure -- posted at: 12:09pm PDT

How we determine which crops we plant each year and how to make sure we plant enough to provide us with a full year of that food. I take you step by step through our process, even if you've never grown your garden before and don't have an inventory of home preserved food to guide you.

Get my FREE harvest and garden planning inventory sheet to help you create your best garden and harvest ever with a full years worth of food.

Direct download: 28Finished2920Episode2012420Pioneering20Today.mp3
Category:Leisure -- posted at: 6:51pm PDT