Pioneering Today

Learn how to feed a family of 4 on just $82.50 a week (or $330 a month) with organic meats, fresh produce and real food sides, without coupons! This includes 3 meals a day and snacks.

We share how to do it month in and month out, how to get started with our FREE Cheat Sheet, 8 tips to get your grocery budget back on track NOW.

Get a sample meal plan, how to make it work without feeling like a slave to a specific plan and be flexible. 

Direct download: 123HowtoFeedaFamilyof4on82.50aWeekOrganiChickenRealFoodSides.mp3
Category:Leisure -- posted at: 2:03pm PST

These are my favorite 6 tools that help save me time and money in our homestead kitchen where we're making almost all of our food from scratch. 

They're the things that if they broke, I'd go out and pay full price for them again, and that is saying something, am I right?

Direct download: 28Finished2920Episode2012220Pioneering20Today.mp3
Category:Leisure -- posted at: 4:50pm PST